Use of Multilingual Language Resources in Knowledge Representation Systems
Friday, 10 July 2015
9:00 - 9:05 Welcome and introduction
9:05 - 9:45 Michael Wetzel. Invited speaker. "Driving global revenue through multilingual knowledge systems"
9:45 -10:00 Thomas Verdin and Thierry Declerck. "Representation of multilingual terminologies for a cross-border Business Reporting System"
10:00 - 10:30 Felix Sasaki. "Approaches and application scenarios for integrating multilingual knowledge resources and Web content"
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 11:30 Ai Kawazoe, Ribeka Tanaka, Koji Mineshima and Daisuke Bekki. " A framework for constructing multilingual inference problem sets: highlighting similarities and differences in semantic phenomena between English and Japanese"
11:30 - 12:00 Allan Hanbury. "Sustainable language resources in multilingual medical text analysis and search"
12:00 - 12:30 Markus Ackermann, Sebastian Hellmann. "Representing multilingual information in DBpedia"
12:30 - 12:45 Dagmar Gromann. "Sharing multilingual terminologies with a semantic-based model"
Important information
> Contacts for this workshop:
Dagmar Gromann,
Thierry Declerck,
Aims and scope
Nowadays the Web is fundamental to any type of professional communication. More and more specialized content is provided in languages other than English. Professional and specialized communication relies on knowledge management systems and language resources, that is, collections of natural language data, such as terminologies, lexicons, corpora, NLP resources, annotation schemes and standards. To meet the challenges of inter- and intra-organizational processes and demands of internationalization, knowledge representation needs to be multilingual and accessible across systems and platforms. The language industry has successfully developed and deployed tools and resources for multilingual content, such as localization and translation management resources, but its support to knowledge engineering has not yet been sufficiently explored. Multilingual knowledge representation based on web technologies using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL) is an open research area calling for interdisciplinary approaches for creating, managing, and using information on the Web. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from various disciplines interested in multilingual knowledge representation and discuss possibilities of leveraging mutual benefits of language and knowledge representation resources. This includes but is not limited to knowledge engineering, terminology engineering, ontology-based systems, lexicographic approaches, computational linguistics, natural language processing and any other context that supports multilingual knowledge representation methods.
Organizing Committee
Dagmar Gromann, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Dagmar Gromann is a research fellow at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and currently writes her doctoral thesis on ontology-terminology interoperability with Gerhard Budin, head of the Center of Translation Studies at the University of Vienna. Her current research focuses on semantic-based terminology modeling and interchange of terminological resources relative to ontologies. She is interested in various aspects of natural language technologies, semantic technologies, terminology engineering, knowledge engineering, cross-cultural knowledge communication, and multilingualism on the Semantic Web. Her work is based on natural language (terminology science / linguistics / translation studies) and technical (computer science / artificial intelligence / computational linguistics) foundations.
Thierry Declerck, DFKI GmbH
Thierry Declerck is a senior research scientist employed for the time being both at the Language Technology Lab of DFKI GmbH, since June 1996, and at the “Fachbereich” 4.7 of the University of Saarland (Computational linguistics & Phonetics). He is also for the time being employed as a senior consultant at the Institute for Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. At the University of Saarland (USAAR) he is responsible for the contributions to the FP7 project PHEME, to finish end of 2016. In the past (2002-2005) he was leading for USAAR the two European Projects Esperonto and INTERA, dealing respectively with the relation between language technologies and the Semantic Web and with infrastructures for Language Resources. As a member of DFKI, he was until recently coordinator of the FP7 project TrendMiner that has been very successfully evaluated at its final review on the 27th of November 2014. He is now contributing to the DFKI part of the FP7 LIDER project and was leading until February 2013 the DFKI contribution to the European Project MONNET. Before this he was in charge of the DFKI contribution to the Integrated Project MUSING, which finished in April 2010, and till March 2009 he was involved as well in the European Network of Excellence "K-Space" (Knowledge Space of semantic inference for automatic annotation and retrieval of multimedia content). In the field of standardization of language resources, Thierry Declerck was involved in the eContent "Lirics" (Linguistic Infrastructure for Interoperable Resources and Systems). Thierry Declerck was also actively involved in ISO TC37/SC4/ (on language resources management) and now contributes to the standardization activities of the W3C consortium (the Ontolex Community Group).
Christian Galinski, InfoTerm
Christian Galinski is an expert in multilingual aspects of modern society, focusing on specialized communication, information and documentation, librarianship and archives, information and knowledge management, methodology standardization, as well as related legal implications. One of the initiators of the discussion concerning the multilingual nature of our information society, he has been instrumental in founding many institutions and organizations in the field of terminology and language resources. After pursuing Japanese and Chinese studies as well as communication studies at the University of Bonn he spent two years in Japan for further studies and research on the history of Japanese education. He has been a registered court translator for Japanese since 1976. He founded a private language and consultancy service (1977-1979). In 1979 he joined the International Information Centre for Terminology (Infoterm) in a professional capacity and in 1986 succeeded Prof. Felber as Director of Infoterm and also as Secretary of the Technical Committee ISO/TC 37 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). He has conceived, planned and managed a large number of projects for UNESCO and institutions of the European Union, as well as for enterprises and other organizations. He has served as a consultant to many projects at international or national level (China, Russia etc.).
Elena Montiel Ponsoda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Elena Montiel-Ponsoda is Lecturer of the Applied Linguistics Department at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM, (2012) and member of the Ontology Engineering Group (2006). She holds a M.A. in Conference Interpreting and Translation (2000) from Universidad de Alicante, a B.A. in Technical Interpreting (2003) from Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany, and a PhD on Applied Linguistics (2011) from UPM. Her research interests are at the intersection between translation (and terminology) and knowledge representation (ontologies, linked data), including amongst others: ontology localization and lexicalization, lexico-syntactic patterns for ontology development, functional models for deep semantics analysis, sentiment analysis, and linguistic linked data for content analytics. She has participated in several international and national projects in these areas (NeOn, ICPS, Monnet, BabeLData, etc.). Currently, she is participating in the European project LIDER.